I truly and deeply believe massage therapy heals the body, mind, and spirit and that it can be used to aide in the healing process by naturally getting rid of the common aches and pains in the body instead of using medicine and taking pain pills. Massage gets to the root of the problem by working out lactic acid buildup, inflammation, pain, inflammation, and scar tissue that accumulate in the body. These problems can prohibit range of motion, impinges nerves causing numbness, tingling, or pain. Through massage, it can work on these problems and will allow the body to heal itself. Although massage is an important aspect to overall good health, a regular exercise and stretching program, as well as proper water intake is also crucial in allowing the body to live in a pain-free world. So much of our lives are spent rushing aimlessly here and there. Our bodies are in perpetual motion, in auto-pilot mode so to speak, and our minds tend to follow the same pattern always thinking about something we need to do or mulling over some problem. Our minds are forever dwelling in the past or racing into the future. It is a rare occurrence for the body and mind to relax and be totally in the present. Attending to the present moment is being in a state of mindfulness. When we are mindful of the present moment we are able to feel refreshed and have mental clarity. Mindfully attending to our lives is a practice we can develop through common daily acts such as walking, eating and breathing. Massage therapy and bodywork in general are excellent ways to encourage mindfulness. Therapeutic touch facilitates being present, being in the here and now and allows us to be awake and operate at a more optimal level and a more fully functioning state of being. My main goal and purpose here at Indigo Body Massage is to be fully present and to aide in the process of healing by helping the body to access its natural healing powers and to create an environment where that is possible through my own energy and healing powers from divine source, which we all have within us. My belief is that we all have healing power within us to help heal our own bodies, minds and souls and I strive to always do my very best possible to help each client in their path that leads to my table and touch. Therapeutic touch heals and grounds us in the present, physically and emotionally, and spiritually, and frees up energy that is often bound or scattered as a result of our perpetual busy-ness. This liberated energy creates a general sense of well-being. My focus and hope is that I provide my best possible to help facilitate healing, wellness, relaxation, and positive energy that will find you in a refreshed and re-energized state that follows in other areas of your life, and you will be living more fully, mindful of all the amazing experiences each moment in your life manifests in the physical and non-physical reality for both body, mind and spirit.
Indigo Meaning: What does indigo mean?
Indigo, also often called royal blue is commonly associated and governed by with the color of the sixth chakra (energy center), or the third eye chakra. Many call this the "inner knowing." Indigo in this context is not necessarily the color of the aura. It is also the color of wisdom and a deep, inner knowing from within that has been called the "life color." This is linked to the color of a person's deeper being. Indigo is the color of the deep midnight blue sky and it symbolizes a mystical borderland of wisdom, self-mastery and spiritual realization. Service to humanity is one of the strengths of indigo. Powerful and dignified, indigo conveys integrity and deep sincerity. Indigo is a bridge between heaven earth, between the left and the right hemispheres of the brain, and also between life and death. Indigo energy color is also an energy of deep change. It allows for you to transform the lower energy chakras into higher spiritual vibrations. Indigo opens the door to the divine and it is the color that we associate with night. It is at night, when our senses become finer and a different part of us awakens. It brings clarity to the sense organs - your seeing, hearing and feeling. Its energy helps to make a transition towards life or towards death.
What is the color indigo?
Indigo was actually a plant that got its name because it came from the Indus Valley, discovered some 5,000 years ago, where it was called nila, meaning "dark blue." By the 7th Century BC, people starting commonly using the plant as a dye. But it wasn’t until 1640 when demand started to pick up for indigo. Indigo dye could be made from two different types of plants—the indigo plant, which produced the best results, and from the woad plant. The British were producing indigo with woad, a plant that yielded a lesser quality dye, but a plant they could grow. The Modern Englich word indigo referred to the dye, and not to the color (hue) itself, and indigo is not traditionally part of the basic color-naming system. A species of Indigofera were cultivated in Peru, India, East Asia and Egypt in antiquity. The earliest direct evidence for the use of indigo dates to around 4000 BCE and comes from Huaca Prieta, in contemporary Peru. Pliny mentions India as the source of the dye, imported in small quantities via the Silk Road. The Greek term for the dye was Ἰνδικὸν φάρμακον ("Indian dye"), which, adopted to Latin asindicum and via Portuguese gave rise to the modern word indigo.